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  2. Bible translations into Hungarian - Wikipedia


    Szent István Társulati Biblia (1973) Mert úgy szerette Isten a világot, hogy egyszülött Fiát adta oda, hogy aki hisz benne, az el ne vesszen, hanem örökké éljen. Magyar Bibliatársulat (1975) Mert úgy szerette Isten a világot, hogy egyszülött Fiát adta, hogy aki hisz őbenne, el ne vesszen, hanem örök élete legyen.

  3. Vizsoly Bible - Wikipedia


    The Vizsoly Bible (1590) [1] The Vizsoly Bible, also called Károli Bible was the first Bible printed in the Hungarian language. [2] [3] It was translated in the 16th century by pastor Gáspár Károli and fellow Calvinists and was printed in 1590 by Bálint Mantskovit.

  4. Hussite Bible - Wikipedia


    The Hussite Bible is the only written vestige of Hussitism in Hungary. The book – or at least most of it – was translated by Tamás Pécsi and Bálint Újlaki.Both Pécsi and Újlaki had attended the University of Prague in Bohemia between 1399 and 1411, where they got to know the concepts of Jan Hus, a reformist Christian theologian.

  5. László Báthory - Wikipedia


    Mezei László: A Báthory-biblia körül (MTA I. Oszt. Közl. VIII. (in Hungarian), 1956 "Szilágyi Sándor: A Báthori-biblia történetéhez Magyar könyvszemle", Magyar Könyvszemle: Könyv-És Sajtótörténeti Folyóirat = Revue Pour l'Histoire du Livre et de la Presse (in Hungarian), 1890, ISSN 0025-0171; Bátori, László (1984).

  6. Leningrad Codex - Wikipedia


    The codex was also used for Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia (BHS) in 1977, and is being used for Biblia Hebraica Quinta (BHQ). As an original work by Tiberian masoretes, the Leningrad Codex was older by several centuries than the other Hebrew manuscripts which had been used for all previous editions of printed Hebrew bibles until Biblia Hebraica.

  7. Biblia Hebraica Quinta - Wikipedia


    A sample page from Biblia Hebraica Quinta (Deuteronomy 1:1–11). Note the newly implemented and fully collated Masorah magna between the main text and the critical apparatus. The Biblia Hebraica Quinta Editione, abbreviated as BHQ or rarely BH 5, is the fifth edition of the Biblia Hebraica.

  8. Jakub Wujek Bible - Wikipedia


    The full title of the Bible is: Biblia to iest Księgi Starego y Nowego Przymierza według Łacińskiego przekładu starego, w kościele powszechnym przyiętego, na Polski ięzyk z nowu z pilnością przełożone, z dokładaniem textu Żydowskiego y Greckiego, y z wykładem Katholickim, trudnieyszych miejsc, do obrony wiary swiętej powszechnej przeciw kacerstwóm tych czasów należących ...

  9. Gustav Vasa Bible - Wikipedia


    The full title is as shown in the image: Biblia / Thet är / All then Helgha Scrifft / på Swensko. Translated into English: "The Bible / That is / All the Holy Scripture / in Swedish". The men behind the translation were Laurentius Andreae and the Petri brothers Olaus and Laurentius. Of them, Archbishop Laurentius is regarded as the main ...