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  2. HUGE: Rafidain Bank Goes Totally (EBS). - Dinar Vets


    ARTICLE: Rafidain Bank announced today, Thursday, the implementation of the electronic banking system in a number of its branches. The bank’s media stated in a statement received by {Al Furat News} “In implementation of the government program to move from paper transactions to electronic ones to provide the best services to citizens ...

  3. Rafidain Bank begins deploying ATM machines in its main branches


    His media office stated in a statement received by the Iraqi News Agency (INA) that “the bank has begun deploying ATM machines in its main branches, and then institutions, commercial areas and malls, respectively,” noting that “this is in implementation of its strategic objectives in enhancing the spread of the bank’s services in accordance with Al-Rafidain’s strategy to enhance ...

  4. Rafidain Bank of Iraq opens branches in Europe and America


    Rafidain Bank of Iraq opens branches in Europe and America. Timeline 27/05/2010 01:00 PM - Babuz News. BAGHDAD (Babuz - Agencies): Heading «Bank of Iraq» Iraq (founded in 1941) to open new branches in Britain and the United States, Belgium, France, Iran, added to the branches in both Beirut and Bahrain, Sana'a, Abu Dhabi, Cairo and Amman.

  5. Rafidain Bank announces the implementation of the comprehensive...


    "the digital transformation plan and the adoption of the comprehensive banking system are proceeding according to the set timings to include all bank branches in the implementation of the system, especially since the priorities and adoptions of the government program include electronic transformation in financial transactions, reducing the circles of routine for citizens, shortening time ...

  6. Al-Rafidain launches a campaign to rely on electronic payment and...


    A statement from the bank received by Mawazine News said, “The Director General of the Rafidain Bank, Ali Karim Hussein, continues his interest and interaction in solving the branches’ problems and accelerating the response to their requests, as he held a regular meeting with the managers of a number of Baghdad branches on the day, in the ...

  7. Document.. Administrative changes in the Rafidain Bank


    The legal department of the Commission indicated in a statement received by {Euphrates News} that “the Rusafa Criminal Court, which is competent to look into cases of integrity, issued (6) sentences in absentia, with a total of (42) years in prison, against a customer of Al-Rafidain Bank, for stealing an amount of (8,985,000,000) ) Billions ...

  8. Al-Rafidain launches electronic submission of advances to...


    Al-Rafidain Bank launches the "One Stop Shop" initiative to finance investment projects in Iraq Rafidain Bank - archive photo 09 January 2021 10:33 AM Mubasher: Al-Rafidain Bank in Iraq announced the launch of the Single Window initiative to finance investment projects in the country with open fi...

  9. Al-Rafidain begins receiving and promoting advances and loan ...


    Al-Rasheed Bank announced, on Saturday, that it will close its doors tomorrow, Sunday 3/7/2022, for the purposes of the semi-annual application. And the media office clarified, in a statement that Mawazine News received a copy of it, that banking transactions for customers will be stopped, with the continuation of the normal working hours for ...

  10. Rafidain Bank announces the launch of a purchases card


    Rafidain Bank announces the launch of a purchases card local Yesterday, 15:03 Baghdad - IA Today, Monday, Rafidain Bank announced the launch of a purchasing card for all state institutions. The bank said in a statement received by the Iraqi News Agency (INA), that “in accordance with government d...

  11. Al-Rafidain Bank stops withdrawals and deposits, starting from...


    Al-Rafidain Bank stops withdrawals and deposits, starting from Thursday 2021.12.22 - 14:43 Baghdad - people Al-Rafidain Bank announced, on Wednesday, the suspension of withdrawals and deposits from savings accounts, starting from tomorrow, Thursday, corresponding to 12/23/2021, until Monday, corr...