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OW Peter and John went up together to the temple at the hour of prayer.And a poor man, who had been lame ever since he was born, was carriedevery day by his friends, and laid at the gate, called the Beautiful Gateof the temple, that he might ask alms, or gifts, of those who came up to worship.This man seeing Peter and John about to go into the ...
They gave him seventy pieces of silver also,out of their idols temple; with these he hired wicked men, to go with him andhelp him in making himself king over all the rest of the people. But after Abimelech had been king for three years, God sent trouble uponhim and the people of Shechem. The Bible tells us that he sent an evil spiritbetween them.
Title: The Bible panorama, or The Holy Scriptures in picture and story Year: 1891 Authors: Foster, William A. (from old catalog) Subjects: Publisher: Contributing Library: The Library of Congress Digitizing Sponsor: The Library of Congress View Book Page: Book Viewer About This Book: Catalog Entry View All Images: All Images From Book
Meeting of the Lord, Russian Orthodox icon, 15th century. The event is described in the Gospel of Luke (Luke 2:22–40).According to the gospel, Mary and Joseph took the Infant Jesus to the Temple in Jerusalem forty days (inclusive) after his birth to complete Mary's ritual purification after childbirth, and to perform the redemption of the firstborn son, in obedience to the Torah (Leviticus ...
With a lunge, the boy turns to his interlocutors. The gesturing hands apparently indicated that he was involved in a lively argument. [6] After the revision, Jesus became dressed in a calf-length, regularly falling white robe and wearing sandals. He now had shoulder-length blond hair and soft, androgynous features.
The name Joshua is of the same origin as the name Jesus, and Joshua the High Priest is interpreted by Christians to be a foreshadowing of Jesus: "Together [with Zerubabbel], they are types of Him, the true King and true priest, Christ Jesus, who by the resurrection raised again the true temple, His Body, after it had been destroyed."
ST. I.l-KK XI 2oo Jesus Heals the Blind and Lame. JESUS came into Jerusalem, and went np to the temple, and the blind andthe lame were broughtto him, and he healed them. But when the chiefpriests and the Scribes saw the miracles that he did, and heard the chil-dren in the temple praising him and crying out, Hosanna, they were muchdispleased.
The Finding of the Saviour in the Temple (1854–1860) is a painting by the English artist William Holman Hunt intended as an ethnographically accurate version of the subject traditionally known as "Christ Among the Doctors", an illustration of the child Jesus debating the interpretation of the scripture with learned rabbis.