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The Russian Imperial Guard, officially known as the Leib Guard (Russian: Лейб-гвардия Leyb-gvardiya, from German Leib "body"; cf. Life Guards / Bodyguard) were combined Imperial Russian Army forces units serving as counterintelligence to prevent sabotage of important imperial palace, personal guards of the Emperor of Russia and imperial family, public security in capital, and ...
In the Russian Empire, Russian Imperial Guard units (also lifguard or life-guard, лейб-гвардия, leyb-gvardiya), derived from German Leibgarde (en: lifeguard or life-guard), were intended to ensure the security of the sovereign, initially, that of Peter the Great in the 1690s. These were based on the Prussian Royal Life Guards. During ...
The Department for the Protection of Public Safety and Order (Russian: Отделение по охранению общественной безопасности и порядка, romanized: Otdelenie po okhraneniyu obshchestvennoy bezopadnosti i poryadka), usually called the Guard Department (Russian: Охранное отделение, romanized: Okhrannoye otdelenie) and commonly ...
1722 – According to Russian Table of Ranks soldiers of Preobrazhensky regiment were to be considered two ranks higher than in ordinary units. 1726 – Moscow company of Preobrazhensky regiment becomes a separate Moscow life-guard battalion and later Murom leib-guard battalion. 1737–1739 – War against Ottoman Empire.
The Separate Corps of Gendarmes (Russian: Отдельный корпус жандармов) was the uniformed security police of the Imperial Russian Army in the Russian Empire during the 19th and early 20th centuries. Its main responsibilities were law enforcement and state security.
The Imperial Russian Army or Russian Imperial Army (Russian: Ру́сская импера́торская а́рмия, romanized: Rússkaya imperátorskaya ármiya) was the armed land force of the Russian Empire, active from 1721 until the Russian Revolution of 1917. It was organized into a standing army and a state militia.
The 1st Guards Infantry Division (Russian: 1-я гварде́йская пехо́тная диви́зия) was an infantry formation of the Russian Imperial Army which was part of the Imperial Guard. It was headquartered in Saint Petersburg and was part of the Guards Corps.
His Majesty Lifeguard Jaeger Regiment (Russian: «Лейб-гвардии Егерский Его Величества полк»), short also Lifeguard Jaeger Regiment (or: LG Jaeger Regiment), was a Jäger regiment of the Russian Imperial Guard from 1796 to 1917.