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By considering the support and the great desire of the people and the Government of South Sulawesi to education and university-level instruction in Islam, as well as the legal basis of Presidential Regulation No. 27 of 1963, which among other things stated that at least three types of faculties could be combined into a single institute, then starting on November 10, 1965, the three faculties ...
Founded on August 1, 1961, until August 31, 1964, the status of Teacher Training and Education Faculty of Hasanuddin University, based on Ministerial Decree No. PTIP. 30, 1964 Date of August 1, 1961. on 1 September 1964 until January 1965 the status of Yogyakarta branch Makassar Teachers' Training College, based on Ministerial Decree No. PTIP. 154 of 1965 Date 1 September 1965. as well as at 5 ...
General schools. According to school year 2017–18 senior secondary school (SMA) statistics from Ministry of Education, [1] in 2017, Indonesia has 13.495 SMA (almost 50-50 ratio between public and private schools) with more than 160 thousand total classrooms (around 12 classrooms per school) and 30 thousands laboratories and 11 thousands libraries, 1,6 million new/10th grade SMA students (45% ...
Unismuh Makassar Mosque is the mosque located in the front part of the campus. The size of the three-story mosque is 2,700 square meters on a total of 4,000 square meters of land. It is designed for 2,700 people. It is stated by the rectore of Unismuh Makassar that Syekh Muhammad Al-Khoory is the one that design this building.
National examination in Indonesia. National Exam (Indonesian: Ujian Nasional, commonly abbreviated as UN or UNAS) [1] was a standard evaluation system of primary and secondary education in Indonesia and the determining factor of quality of education levels among the areas that are conducted by the Center for Educational Assessment of the Ministry of Education and Culture.
Due to uncertainty and chaos in Makassar and its surroundings, the faculty who previously led by L.A. Enthoven as director was suspended and then reopened again as branch of the Faculty of Economics of University of Indonesia on October 7, under the leadership of G.H.M. Riekerk. This faculty was the beginning of Hasanuddin University after ...
Makassar is the capital of the province of South Sulawesi, located in the southern part of Sulawesi Island, formerly known as Ujung Pandang, bordered to the north by Maros Regency and Pangkajene and Islands Regency, to the east by Maros Regency, to the south by Gowa Regency, and to the west by Makassar Strait. The area of Makassar City is ...
Makassar Utama 1 — 1986 — 1 Persibo Bojonegoro: 1 — 2012 — 1 PSM Makassar: 1 — 2019 — 1 Pelita Jaya — 3 — 1987, 1988, 1989 3 Persipura Jayapura — 3 —