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Looking at a column that holds last 4 of someone's SSN and the column was originally created as an int datatype. Now SSN that begin with 0 get registered as 0 on the database. How can I convert the
Msg 8169, Level 16, State 2, Line 1 Conversion failed when converting from a character string to uniqueidentifier. The same queries using a hyphenated uniqueidentifier work fine but the data is not stored in that format. Is there another (efficient) way to convert these strings to uniqueidentifiers in SQL. -- I don't want to do it in the .Net code.
To get around this just do two converts as follows: STRING -> NUMERIC -> INT. or. SELECT CAST(CAST (MyVarcharCol AS NUMERIC(19,4)) AS INT) When copying data from TableA to TableB, the conversion is implicit, so you dont need the second convert (if you are happy rounding down to nearest INT):
The string contains the datetime and the timezone but Sql Server 2005 can only store the DateTime. So I have to drop the timezone, or convert it to the timezone I've decided to store DateTimes in (GMT)
I select the column I want to convert to a comma separated string into the SingleVarcharColumn Type. DECLARE @s as SingleVarcharColumn INSERT INTO @s VALUES ('rob') INSERT INTO @s VALUES ('paul') INSERT INTO @s VALUES ('james') INSERT INTO @s VALUES (null) INSERT INTO @s SELECT iClientID FROM [dbo].tClient SELECT [dbo].fnGetCommaSeparatedString(@s)
TO_DATE function in oracle is used to convert any character to date format. for example : SELECT to_date ('2019/03/01', 'yyyy/mm/dd') FROM dual; CONVERT function in SQL SERVER is used to converts an expression from one datatype to another datatype. for example: SELECT CONVERT(datetime, '01/08/2014', 103) date_convert; I hope this will help you.
ALTER TABLE mydb ALTER COLUMN GRADUATION_DATE DATE; Now you don't have to worry about the formatting - you can always format as YYYYMMDD or YYYY-MM-DD on the client, or using CONVERT in SQL. When you have a valid date as a string literal, you can use: SELECT CONVERT(CHAR(10), CONVERT(datetime, '20120101'), 120);
You also need to take the comma out and replace it with a period: SELECT CAST('5666.232343' as decimal(16,6)) AS [DecimalValue] answered Nov 15, 2017 at 21:34. Zorkolot. 2,007 1 12 8. add the replacing of the comma in his number to this answer and it will be complete and the best. – Matt.
Here is a simple example I wrote to convert and convert back using the 2 convert methods, I also checked it with a fixed string declare @VB1 VARBINARY(500),@VB2 VARBINARY(500),@VB3 VARBINARY(500) declare @S1 VARCHAR(500)
If the varbinary is the binary representation of a string in SQL Server (for example returned by casting to varbinary directly or from the DecryptByPassPhrase or DECOMPRESS functions) you can just CAST it. declare @b varbinary(max) set @b = 0x5468697320697320612074657374. select cast(@b as varchar(max)) /*Returns "This is a test"*/.