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All about the 10th House/Tenth House in astrology, including the meaning and themes of this part of your birth chart.
Mantreswara, the author of Phaladeepika (vide Slokas XVI.27-28 p. 767) states that if there is a benefic in the 10th house and the strong lord of the 10th is in its own sign or if situated in its own sign is in a kendra or a trikona or the strong lord of the lagna is in the 10th house then one becomes fortunate, long-lived, engages in noble ...
Say you are 45, your profection would land in the 10th house and if your rising sign is Aries your 10th house would be ruled by Capricorn and the planet Saturn.
Whatever planet is ruling the sign on the cusp of the house is taken to signify the quesited. For example, if the horary is about matters pertaining to career, the ruler of the tenth house, the house for careers and jobs, will indicate the quesited. A short, non-exhaustive, list of possible associations with houses follows: The First House
The lord of the 10th situated in the 6th house from the 10th, or either the lord of the 8th or the lord of the 11th associating with the Raja yoga formation or the Sun in its deep debilitation or Venus occupying the 5th house, the 12th or the 2nd house and the lord of the bhava of its occupation weak and afflicted or when all papagrahas occupy ...
Once Mercury enters Pisces on Feb. 14, your professional 10th house becomes illuminated, followed by the sun’s ingress into this Water sign on Feb. 18. ... After all, with Mercury joining Saturn ...
The 10th house, also known as Kirtisthana and the Rajyabhava, is the Karmabhava or the Karmasthana. In general terms the 10th house refers to occupation, profession or means of livelihood, temporal honours, foreign travels, self-respect, knowledge and dignity.
According to Parashara all planets cast their aspects on the 3rd and the 10th bhava or house (i.e., at a distance of 60 degrees and 270 degrees), on the 5th and the 9th (120 degrees and 240 degrees), the 4th and the 8th (90 degrees and 210 degrees) and the 7th (180 degrees) but the strength of their aspect varies at different points. Therefore ...