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The lake rose 17 feet within two weeks to 848.78 feet in elevation and 88% of capacity. Several bass tournaments are scheduled in May. Call: Central Valley Bait and Tackle (209) 312-9417. Lake McSwain
There are only two club tournaments on the schedule through August. Call: Monte Smith, Gold Country Sport Fishing (209) 581-4734 ; Central Valley Bait and Tackle (209) 312-9417. McClure Reservoir
The lake held at 85% of capacity. The McSwain Marina is closed through March 30 before opening for weekends only from April 1 through May 31. Call: Angler’s Edge Market (209) 226-4416; McSwain ...
McClure Reservoir. Bass 2 Trout 2 Kokanee 0 Crappie 2 Catfish 3 ... Lake McSwain. Trout 2. Prior to the Merced Irrigation Fall Trout Derby on Oct. 5-6, 4,000 pounds from Calaveras Trout Farm were ...
Lake McSwain. Trout 3. About 1,000 pounds of rainbow and 1000 pounds of Lightning trout were planted prior to the holiday weekend, and limits or near-limits were the rule within a few days of the ...
Lake McSwain. Trout 2 . The lake will be planted prior to this weekend’s Merced Irrigation District’s Lake McSwain Fall Trout Derby on Oct. 5/6.
Lake McSwain Trout 3 A trout plant was done on a recent on Friday night, and Justin Zeller organized a fishing event for the Cub Scouts from Troop 96 in Merced on Saturday morning.
Our reports cover the coast to the High Sierra, and Lake Isabella to New Melones. Fishing report, Dec. 27-Jan. 2: 6,500 pound of trout released at McSwain Reservoir, surf perch fishing outstanding ...