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The name of the language comes directly from the Dutch word Afrikaansch (now spelled Afrikaans) [n 4] meaning 'African'. [12] It was previously referred to as 'Cape Dutch' (Kaap-Hollands or Kaap-Nederlands), a term also used to refer to the early Cape settlers collectively, or the derogatory 'kitchen Dutch' (kombuistaal) from its use by slaves of colonial settlers "in the kitchen".
Words of Afrikaans origin have entered other languages. British English has absorbed Afrikaans words primarily via British soldiers who served in the Boer Wars. Many more words have entered common usage in South African English due to the parallel nature of the English and Afrikaner cultures in South Africa. Afrikaans words have unusual ...
Afrikaans: Hy het 'n huis gekoop. Dutch: Hij heeft een huis gekocht. English: He (has) bought a house. Relative clauses usually begin with the pronoun "wat", used both for personal and non-personal antecedents. For example, Afrikaans: Die man wat hier gebly het was ʼn Amerikaner. Dutch: De man die hier bleef was een Amerikaan.
South Africa uses British English spelling and punctuation, although some American spellings are common. [citation needed] canyon crab – derogatory term for Afrikaner [4] clutchplate – derogatory term for Afrikaner [4] cozzie – a swimsuit, short for swimming costume [5] Dutchman – derogatory term, Domkop [4] rockspider – derogatory ...
The Afrikaanse Woordelys en Spelreëls (AWS) is a publication of the Suid-Afrikaanse Akademie vir Wetenskap en Kuns and comprises three main sections: spelling rules, a list of words, and a list of abbreviations for Afrikaans. The first edition appeared in 1917, and regular revisions have been undertaken since then.
The Akademie was founded in Bloemfontein in 1909, and its branch, the Spellingskommissie ("Spelling Commission"), in 1914. [ 1 ] The commission focuses mainly on the revision and publication of the Afrikaanse Woordelys en Spelreëls (AWS; "Afrikaans Word List and Spelling Rules"), a standard guide to the spelling and related writing conventions ...
In some words which, in English, are pronounced with /əʊ̯/, the Afrikaans equivalent tends to be pronounced with /œʊ̯/, rather than /ʊə/. That happens because Afrikaans /œʊ̯/ is more similar to the usual South African realization of English /əʊ̯/ .
The Handwoordeboek van die Afrikaanse Taal (HAT) is a shorter, concise Afrikaans explanatory dictionary in a single volume, compared to the comprehensive Woordeboek van die Afrikaanse Taal (WAT), similar to the Concise Oxford Dictionary and the Oxford English Dictionary. The project was begun in 1926 by Prof. J. J. Smith of Stellenbosch ...