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  2. How does LookVector work? - Scripting Support - Roblox


    This example uses CFrame.fromMatrix() to create a CFrame located at eye with it’s lookVector pointing towards the target position. function lookAt(target, eye) local forwardVector = (eye - target).Unit. local upVector = Vector3.new(0, 1, 0) -- You have to remember the right hand rule or google search to get this right.

  3. Humanoid MoveDirection stays at 0,0,0 despite moving - Roblox


    If it was moving it in a straight line on the Z axis in a positive direction, wouldn’t the MoveDirection be 0,0,1 because that would be the direction the character is moving? I printed the CFrame after running the command, you can see it’s changing but the MoveDirection stays at 0,0,0:

  4. Position values returning as (0,0,0) - Scripting Support - Roblox


    print(characterpoint) --Position returns (0,0,0) isPointVisible(worldpoint,characterpoint) end. Any insight would be much appreciated. downcrusher69 (HOG_RIDER) November 30, 2021, 4:29am #2. You don’t need to call the constructor Vector3.new to create a new one. Using it is probably why you’re getting a Vector3 with values (0,0,0).

  5. UI Positioning For Dummies | Using Anchor Points Effectively ......


    Introduction Hello! I’m a UI Designer of 4 years on ROBLOX, I’d consider myself experienced enough to manipulate my UI just the way I want it. In this post, I’ll be teaching you how to properly position each element within your UI with the magic of anchor points, scalar and offset, and some special UI objects that assist you with it! Of course, you’d need to have some knowledge ...

  6. How to reset the orientation of a part to 0,0,0 and keep the ......


    Roblox puts it as Orientation 0,0,0; But it’s not in the final orientation it should be inside Roblox, so I rotate inside Roblox, for example, 0,90,0; This then must be my ‘new’ orientation 0,0,0. But I can’t reset this and keep the object unmoved. Your suggestion doesn’t work.

  7. How To Use AssemblyLinearVelocity? - Scripting Support - Roblox


    local assemblyRoot = script.Parent -- Assuming this is the root of your assembly. local velocity = Vector3.new(100, 0, 0) -- Desired velocity. task.wait(5) -- Testing purposes. assemblyRoot.AssemblyLinearVelocity = velocity. AssemblyLinearVelocity represents the linear velocity of an entire assembly of parts in Roblox.

  8. All of Roblox's IP Ranges (IPv4 + IPv6) (2023)


    (UP TO DATE AS OF 14TH OF AUGUST 2023) Hi guys, I am a hobbyist networking engineer outside of Roblox, and I have used my knowledge to gather the most up to date and relevant IP address information for their services. Here are the IP addresses used for the website, API, and game servers: CIDR format: Usable Addresses: - Number of usable addresses ...

  9. Explosion spawning at 0,0,0 instead of correct position - Roblox


    Common mistake is to Vector3.new a Vector3 value which creates 0,0,0. I believe it should be all good if you remove that extra constructor. explosion.Position = (cl.Position + Vector3.new(0,2,0));

  10. Vector3 results in 0, 0, 0 - Scripting Support - Developer Forum...


    The “directory.End.WorldPosition = origin - direction” of the source code below results in the end attachment location going to 0, 0, 0 when I click, but it should be, well, where the mouse was clicked. (it’s not the raycast because I tested the raycast with a print function and it read out where the mouse was clicked at) -- "mousehit" is ...

  11. Cage Origin Error (set to 0, 0, 0) when uploading causing ... -...


    This caused me to at first believe this was a gloves bug, but my testing has revealed it was actually the boots causing this. The issue is this was created by roblox studio when I was attempting to upload the boots. It ...