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The council was first founded in 1950, with Djaja Rahmat as its speaker. The council, which was called a "temporary provincial council" (Indonesian: Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Daerah Sementara) initially had 60 members. Before 1950, a similar body was present which was headed by Oto Iskandar di Nata. After being renamed to its present name in 1955 ...
During Indonesian National Revolution, the civil service was divided into Republic of Indonesia government and Dutch East Indies government. The Indonesian government formed Office of Civil Servant Affairs (Indonesian: Kantor Urusan Pegawai Negeri, KUP) with Government Regulation 11/1948 on 30 May 1948 which located at Yogyakarta.
Dewan Perwakilan Daerah: Upper house of the legislature Judicial Supreme Court: Mahkamah Agung: Highest court of the land Constitutional Court: Mahkamah Konstitusi: Constitutional review of a law, among others Judicial Commission: Komisi Yudisial: Maintaining the independence and welfare of the judges Examinative Audit Board: Badan Pemeriksa ...
The Governor of West Java is the executive head of the West Java Province. He is responsible for running the government together with his deputy and members of the West Java Regional People's Representative Council as the legislative.
Aside from SOEs, there are also provincially- or municipally-owned corporations, locally known as Badan Usaha Milik Daerah (BUMD). The primary difference between BUMNs and BUMDs is the ownership of the enterprise, whereas BUMNs are controlled by the Ministry of State Owned Enterprise while BUMDs are directly controlled by the local government.
PT Kawasan Industri Jababeka Tbk (lit. 'Jababeka Industrial Estate plc'), trading as Jababeka & Co. , is the first publicly listed industrial estate developer in Indonesia, [ 1 ] being listed on the Jakarta and Surabaya Stock Exchange under the "KJIA" ticker symbol in 1994.
Monocytes are amoeboid in appearance, and have nongranulated cytoplasm. [1] Thus they are classified as agranulocytes, although they might occasionally display some azurophil granules and/or vacuoles.
The monoblast is the first stage of monocyte-macrophage maturation. The developmental stages of the monoblast are: CFU-GM (pluripotential hemopoietic stem cell or hemocytoblast) -> monoblast -> promonocyte-> monocyte-> macrophage/dendritic cell.