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  2. Roleplay Dictionary | RPG Terms Defined | Forum Roleplay


    Basic Roleplayer and Character Terms. If you’re very new to roleplaying, the Forum Roleplaying basics guide will help you understand how some of these terms are used in everyday forum roleplaying lingo. Roleplayer, Player, Mun. The person at the keyboard playing the roleplay character. OOC or Out of Character.

  3. Bad RP | Powerplay, Godmoding, Metagaming - Forum Roleplay


    godmoder (noun) A roleplayer or roleplay character engaging in metagaming, powerplaying, or godmodding. godmoding (verb) The act of godmoding. godmode (noun) Generally not used in forum roleplay, though characters may be referred to as “in godmode” in rare instances. Godmoding refers to several types of bad roleplay as an umbrella term.

  4. Admin Guides | Creating & Operating RPGs - Forum Roleplay


    RPG Rules Template. One of the hardest challenges a new admin faces is the creation of RPG rules. Forum roleplaying games are no exception. Your rules will dictate the operation and success of your game. Too long and complicated, and you probably won’t be able to follow them. Too restrictive and controlling, and no one will join.

  5. Online Forum RPG Advertising 101 How-To | Forum Roleplay


    Breaking a forum’s layout or skin is an easy way to get your game’s advertisement deleted immediately. Clearly state your plot, accepted character type (canon or non-canon) and your expected writing level. 200-300 words, maximum. It helps if you format this information into a simple bulleted list format. Try to boil your game down to barest ...

  6. Writing for Roleplay | PbP RPG Writing | Forum Roleplay


    Tense. Most play-by-post roleplay is done in the third person, past-tense. Third person is preferred as it’s generally more descriptive — and usually easier to read — than first-person writing. Past tense is preferred because it’s generally a little easier to write, and somewhat more flexible in a collaborative environment.

  7. Good Roleplay Etiquette | Good RP Behavior | Forum Roleplay


    While the exact nuances of good roleplaying etiquette may vary from one RPG to the next, the following concepts are generally considered good manners. Breaking these concepts isn’t likely to get you banned from a game (Bad Roleplay will, though). Poor roleplay etiquette still won’t win you any friends or permanent roleplaying partners ...

  8. Bad RPG Behavior | Poor Player Etiquette - Forum Roleplay


    The act of being a twinky or acting in a manner that is twinky. Twink (noun) Derogatory. The roleplayer of a twinky character. Twinking “conflicts with an established and defined roleplaying setting” or is a “gross violation of believability” (Talzhemir). Twinky is generally used to describe characters that act nonsensically from an In ...

  9. RPG Character Inspiration - Forum Roleplay


    Game Alignment Systems. Game alignment systems are a great inspiration source for your RPG character, naturally. They were made for this kind of thing, after all. The DND alignment system is the most famous of RPG character alignment systems — but there are plenty out there! Most “honor/dishonor” karma type systems can be classified as ...

  10. Bad RP: Using OOC Knowledge IC | Metagaming | Forum Roleplay


    The use of out of character knowledge in character. Metagamer (noun) One who has metagamed or metagames. Metagaming is a form of bad roleplay that can be quite difficult to police. This is especially true if the metagamer is smart and stubborn. They can argue about how a character obtained information, how sensible it is for them to act one way ...

  11. Bad RP: Character Creation | Godmodding | Forum Roleplay


    Godmodding specifically refers to character creation, skills, and certain situations. When pronouncing godmodding, “ [t]hink ‘modifying’ [instead of] ‘mode’” to differentiate the terms (Godmodders). Godmodded characters are often created by bad roleplayers. Godmodding is a common form of really bad roleplay that can be very harmful.