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  2. List of play techniques (bridge) - Wikipedia


    3 Techniques by defenders. Toggle the table of contents. List of play techniques (bridge) 1 language.

  3. Card reading (bridge) - Wikipedia


    For example, 5-3 and 4-4 are among the most common trump distributions on the declarer and dummy's hands. In cases, if an opponent shows out on the second trump round, then 5-3-1 or 4-4-1 is known, and the pattern 5-3-4-1 or 4-4-4-1 comes up automatically, and the other defender is known to have begun with four. Counting as a defender

  4. Trump promotion - Wikipedia


    N W E S ♠ 4 ♥ 5 3 ♥ 2 ♦ — ♦ 7 3 ♣ 4 ♣ 8 East to lead ♠ K Q 5 ♥ 6 ♦ — ♣ Q Spades are trump. If the declarer were on lead, he could draw trumps and claim the rest of tricks; however, with East on lead, when he leads a diamond, declarer has two unfavorable choices: if he ruffs low, he will get overruffed by West. If he ruffs high (with an honor), the West's spade jack ...

  5. Hold up (bridge) - Wikipedia


    A defender can deceive the declarer by ducking a trick he could win, inducing him to place the defender's cards wrongly and adopt a losing line of play. In the position shown, declarer leads a small card from dummy to the queen in trump suit. If West takes the ace, the declarer could easily play the king in second round, dropping East's jack.

  6. Squeeze play (bridge) - Wikipedia


    N W E S ♠ ♥ A ♥ Q J 10 ♦ — ♦ ♣ — ♣ — South to lead ♠ 4 ♥ 2 ♦ — ♣ A South needs all three remaining tricks in a notrump contract. South leads the squeeze card, the ♣ A, and West is squeezed in hearts and spades. If West discards the ♥ A, North's ♥ K becomes a winner. If West discards either spade, North's ♠ J becomes a winner. Note the following features of ...

  7. Uppercut (bridge) - Wikipedia


    In contract bridge, an uppercut is a defensive play that involves one of the defenders ruffing high in the knowledge that an overruff by the declarer will result in the promotion of a trump card in their partner's hand into a winner. Thus, the technique presents a type of trump promotion.

  8. Devil's coup - Wikipedia


    The Devil's Coup is a declarer play in contract bridge that prevents the defense from taking an apparently natural trump trick – often called "the disappearing trump trick". [ 1 ] Example

  9. Suit combination - Wikipedia


    In the card game contract bridge, a suit combination is a specific subset of the cards of one suit held respectively in declarer's and dummy's hands at the onset of play. . While the ranks of the remaining cards held by the defenders can be deduced precisely, their location is unknow