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light from darkness: Motto of the 67th Network Warfare Wing: lux hominum vita: light the life of man: Motto of the University of New Mexico: lux in Domino: light in the Lord: Motto of the Ateneo de Manila University: lux in tenebris lucet: The light that shines in the darkness: Motto of Columbia University School of General Studies [5] Also ...
Better to light one candle than to curse the darkness; Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt; Better wear out than rust out; Beware of Greeks bearing gifts (Trojan War, Virgil in the Aeneid) [9] Big fish eat little fish; Birds of a feather (flock together) Blood is thicker than water
conquering darkness by science: Motto of several institutions, such as the Brussels Free Universities (Université Libre de Bruxelles and Vrije Universiteit Brussel). scilicet (sc. or ss.) it is permitted to know: that is to say; to wit; namely; in a legal caption, it provides a statement of venue or refers to a location. scio: I know: scio me ...
(I hope for light to follow darkness.) [11] Semper amicis hora. (Always time for friends.) Sit fausta quæ labitur. (May that which passes be favorable.) Sol omnibus lucet. (The sun shines for all.) [11] Tempus omnia dabit. (Time will give all.) [11] Una dabit quod negat altera. (One [hour] will give what another has refused.) [11] Vita in motu.
out of darkness, light: Motto of Cranfield University: post scriptum (p.s.) after what has been written: A postscript. Used to mark additions to a letter, after the signature. Can be extended to post post scriptum (p.p.s.), etc. post tenebras lux, or, post tenebras spero lucem: after darkness, [I hope for] light: from Vulgata, Job 17:12 ...
Just check out the wise words of celebrities, writers and politicians for election quotes. These 50 quotes about voting will get you in the #VotingMood. Related: 50 Thomas Jefferson Quotes About ...
The last words attributed to Archimedes (paraphrased from Valerius Maximus' Memorable Doings and Sayings). During the raid of Syracuse by the Romans, Archimedes was busy drawing mathematical circles. He was eventually attacked and killed by a Roman soldier as he was too engrossed in thought to obey the soldier's orders.
in the absence of light, darkness prevails: in actu: in act: In the very act; in reality. [Dominica] in albis [depositis] [Sunday in Setting Aside the] White Garments: Latin name of the Octave of Easter. in articulo mortis: at the point of death: in bono veritas: truth is in the good: in camera: in the chamber: In secret. See also camera ...