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Meaning "To Rome and the World". A standard opening of Roman proclamations. Also a traditional blessing by the pope. urbs in horto: city in a garden: Motto of the City of Chicago. usque ad finem: to the very end: Often used in reference to battle, implying a willingness to keep fighting until you die. usus est magister optimus: practice is the ...
An ad eundem degree (derived from ad eundem gradum, "to the same step or degree") is a courtesy degree awarded by a university or college to an alumnus of another. Rather than an honorary degree , it is a recognition of the formal learning for which the degree was earned at another college.
a pedibus usque ad caput: from feet to head: i.e., "completely", "from tip to toe", "from head to toe". Equally a capite ad calcem. See also ab ovo usque ad mala. a posse ad esse: from being able to being "From possibility to actuality" or "from being possible to being actual". a posteriori: from the latter: Based on observation, i. e ...
Under the word or heading; abbreviated s.v. Used to cite a work, such as a dictionary, with alphabetically arranged entries, e.g. "Oxford English Dictionary, s.v. 'horse. ' "" sublimis ab unda: Raised from the waves: Motto of King Edward VII and Queen Mary School, Lytham subsiste sermonem statim: stop speaking immediately: Succisa virescit
Often abbreviated to L.S., used as opening words for a letter lege artis: according to the law of the art: Denotes that a certain intervention is performed in a correct way. Used especially in a medical context. The 'art' referred to in the phrase is medicine. legem terrae: the law of the land: leges humanae nascuntur, vivunt, et moriuntur
a mere name, word, or sound without a corresponding objective reality; expression used by the nominalists of universals and traditionally attributed to the medieval philosopher Roscelin of Compiègne: flectere si nequeo superos, Acheronta movebo: if I can not reach Heaven I will raise Hell: Virgil, Aeneid, Book VII.312: floreat Etona: may Eton ...
respice finem: look back at the end: i.e., "have regard for the end" or "consider the end"; part of the dactylic hexameter quidquid agis prudenter agas et respice finem (whatever you do, do it wisely and consider the end) from Gesta Romanorum. Generally a memento mori, a warning to remember one's death.
per aspera ad astra: through hardships to the stars: From Seneca the Younger; frequently used motto, sometimes as ad astra per aspera ("to the stars through hardships") per capita: by heads "Per head", i.e., "per person", a ratio by the number of persons. The singular is per caput. per capsulam: through the small box: That is, "by letter" per ...