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SUDOKU. Play the USA TODAY Sudoku Game.. JUMBLE. Jumbles: WINCE JOKER DOCTOR PILLOW. Answer: After the Western Hemisphere was mapped in the early 1500s, it was the — “KNEW” WORLD
Today’s crossword (McMeel) Daily Commuter crossword SUDOKU. Play the USA TODAY Sudoku Game. JUMBLE. Jumbles: GUEST CLOWN JOSTLE FACTOR. Answer: Sometimes the "Rocky" and "Rambo" star longed to ...
Today’s crossword (McMeel) Daily Commuter crossword SUDOKU. Play the USA TODAY Sudoku Game. JUMBLE. Jumbles: TRACT PROOF DEVICE POUNCE. Answer: The photographer wanted everything to be flawless ...
One of these is the Cryptoquote, which is a famous quote encrypted in the same way as a cryptogram. A more recent version, with a biblical twist, is CodedWord. This puzzle makes the solution available only online, where it provides a short exegesis on the biblical text.
A crossword creator might choose to clue the answer SEN (as in the abbreviation for "senator") as "Washington bigwig: Abbr." or "Member of Cong.", with the abbreviation in the clue indicating that the answer is to be similarly abbreviated. [7] The use of "Var." indicates the answer is a variant spelling (e.g., EMEER instead of EMIR), while the ...
Today’s crossword (McMeel) Daily Commuter crossword SUDOKU. Play the USA TODAY Sudoku Game. JUMBLE. Jumbles: OPERA MESSY SPRUNG RADIAL. Answer: The numeral 10 asked the numeral 11 if she would ...
Today’s crossword (McMeel) Daily Commuter crossword SUDOKU. Play the USA TODAY Sudoku Game. JUMBLE. Jumbles: YEAST BRASH PLURAL ENOUGH. Answer: Since last visiting the capital of the Czech ...
The crossword featured in "The Riddle of the Sphinx" was set by Pemberton, and was published in The Guardian on the day the episode aired, credited to "Sphinx". This crossword contains multiple ninas—hidden messages or words. Along with many of the crossword's answers, one nina is integral to the episode's plot.