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Laurell Technologies WS-400 spin coater used to apply photoresist to the surface of a silicon wafer. Spin coating is a procedure used to deposit uniform thin films onto flat substrates. Usually a small amount of coating material in liquid form is applied on the center of the substrate, which is either spinning at low speed or not spinning at all.
Spin casting is a favored method for fabricating items in the specified materials – low temperature metals and thermoset plastics. Compared to the two main competing processes, injection molding and (zinc) die-casting, spin casting has significant advantages in terms of startup cost and ease of use.
A spare part, spare, service part, repair part, or replacement part, is an interchangeable part that is kept in an inventory and used for the repair or refurbishment of defective equipment/units. Spare parts are an important feature of logistics engineering and supply chain management , often comprising dedicated spare parts management systems.
Sputter coating in scanning electron microscopy is a sputter deposition process [clarification needed] to cover a specimen with a thin layer of conducting material, typically a metal, such as a gold/palladium (Au/Pd) alloy. A conductive coating is needed to prevent charging of a specimen with an electron beam in conventional SEM mode (high ...
Slot-die coating is a non-contact coating method, in which the slot-die is typically held over the substrate at a height several times higher than the target wet film thickness. [23] The coating fluid transfers from the slot-die to the substrate via a fluid bridge that spans the air gap between the slot-die lips and substrate surface.
The Society of Vacuum Coaters (SVC) is a non-profit, international, professional organisation for individuals who are involved in depositing films and coatings in vacuum or rarefied environments for surface engineering purposes.