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In the episode, Discord makes his first appearance since his debut in "The Return of Harmony", though he was not intended to be a recurring character.[1] [2] "Keep Calm and Flutter On" was a highly anticipated episode because of the return of Discord and the fact Fluttershy would be attempting to reform him.
Discord escapes with Fluttershy while Cosmos waits for the remaining three stars to be found. Issue 76: In a flashback, Cosmos, while spreading chaos across Equestria with Discord, set a school full of foals and fillies on fire. Discord rescued them, which earned him Cosmos' wrath.
The game is still mentioned as freeware and many forums and sites have the now dead link to the game page. The legal situation now is unclear because the installer has no disclaimer. Area 51 (2005), a first person shooter by Midway Games. Its free release was sponsored by the US Air Force. It later changed hands and its freeware status was removed.
The main setting of Pony Life is Sugarcube Corner, a bakery operated by Pinkie Pie that she and her friends Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Twilight Sparkle, Rarity and Fluttershy often use as a hangout. The series explores comedic, slice-of-life stories that they experience, primarily while hanging out at Sugarcube Corner.
Rainbow Dash escapes from the situation while Pinkie Pie is distracted by a balloon; Discord sneezes on Rarity and Applejack, making them sick too. After Twilight's friends become unavailable, Discord approaches Twilight and Cadance, the latter of whom creates a "magic health bubble" to prevent them from getting sick too.
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Fed up, they eject Discord from the game, leaving him dejected once more. They quickly feel guilty and allow him to stay, finding that his real-life version of their game is much more entertaining. Fluttershy and her friends return to find them enjoying a toned-down version of the game.
Celestia and Luna arrive alongside Star Swirl to stop the plants as the group quickly head to Canterlot. Confronting Sombra, they are unable to fight back without the Elements, so Discord appears and easily outdoes his magic attacks, but is falsely injured after intercepting a full blast heading towards Fluttershy.