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  2. Bible translations into Hungarian - Wikipedia


    Szent István Társulati Biblia (1973) Mert úgy szerette Isten a világot, hogy egyszülött Fiát adta oda, hogy aki hisz benne, az el ne vesszen, hanem örökké éljen. Magyar Bibliatársulat (1975) Mert úgy szerette Isten a világot, hogy egyszülött Fiát adta, hogy aki hisz őbenne, el ne vesszen, hanem örök élete legyen.

  3. Vizsoly Bible - Wikipedia


    Gáspár Károli, Calvinist pastor in the town of Gönc, began working on the translation in 1586 and finished it three years later.Since it would have been impossible for one person to translate the complete Bible in such a short time, others must have worked on it too; examination of the vocabulary and phrases used suggests that at least four people worked on it but the New Testament was ...

  4. List of Bible translations by language - Wikipedia


    Online Bible—Read, Listen or Download Free: PDF, EPUB, Audio bible.com – 3,336 translations in 2,182 languages, of which 2,181 are available audibly faithcomesbyhearing.com – translations into 2,090 languages

  5. Hussite Bible - Wikipedia


    The Hussite Bible is the only written vestige of Hussitism in Hungary. The book – or at least most of it – was translated by Tamás Pécsi and Bálint Újlaki.Both Pécsi and Újlaki had attended the University of Prague in Bohemia between 1399 and 1411, where they got to know the concepts of Jan Hus, a reformist Christian theologian.

  6. László Báthory - Wikipedia


    Mezei László: A Báthory-biblia körül (MTA I. Oszt. Közl. VIII. (in Hungarian), 1956 "Szilágyi Sándor: A Báthori-biblia történetéhez Magyar könyvszemle", Magyar Könyvszemle: Könyv-És Sajtótörténeti Folyóirat = Revue Pour l'Histoire du Livre et de la Presse (in Hungarian), 1890, ISSN 0025-0171; Bátori, László (1984).

  7. Jakub Wujek Bible - Wikipedia


    The full title of the Bible is: Biblia to iest Księgi Starego y Nowego Przymierza według Łacińskiego przekładu starego, w kościele powszechnym przyiętego, na Polski ięzyk z nowu z pilnością przełożone, z dokładaniem textu Żydowskiego y Greckiego, y z wykładem Katholickim, trudnieyszych miejsc, do obrony wiary swiętej powszechnej przeciw kacerstwóm tych czasów należących ...

  8. Category:Bible versions and translations - Wikipedia


    Bible portal; Judaism portal; Christianity portal; Bible versions representing either an original version in Hebrew or Greek, or a genre, type or multilingual project or series, in more than one language, should be here.

  9. Velislai biblia picta - Wikipedia


    The Velislaus Bible or Velislav's Bible (Czech: Velislavova bible; Latin Velislai biblia picta) is an illuminated manuscript of 1325–1349. It is in effect a picture-book of the Bible, as the text is limited to brief titles or descriptions of the 747 pictures from the Old Testament and the New Testament , from the writings about the Antichrist ...