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Neutered individuals have a much higher risk of developing prostate problems in comparison to intact males. Castrated male cats are more likely to develop an obstruction in their urethra, preventing them from urinating to some degree. [141] A specialized vocabulary has arisen for neutered animals of given species: Barrow (pig) Bullock (cattle)
The Nuer is considered a landmark work of social anthropology and has been discussed extensively. Audrey Richards considered that the book, though "unsatisfying in some respects, it is a brilliant tonic, and in the best sense of the word, an irritating book".
Often the term neuter[ing] is used to specifically mean castration, e.g. in phrases like "spay and neuter". Neutering is the most common method for animal sterilization . Humane societies , animal shelters , and rescue groups urge pet owners to have their pets neutered to prevent the births of unwanted litters , which contribute to the ...
In oral arguments on two crucial First Amendment cases, the Supreme Court appeared sensitive to the importance of government being able to express views to private parties and persuade them to act ...
States. 3. National security—United States. 4. United States—Politics and government—2001– I. Title. JC599.U5W63 2007 323.4'90973—dc22 2007024640 Chelsea Green Publishing Company Post Office Box 428 White River Junction, VT 05001 (802) 295-6300 EOA2 Final Pages 7/27/07 12:05 PM Page ii
Also called the Blue Dog Democrats or simply the Blue Dogs. A caucus in the United States House of Representatives comprising members of the Democratic Party who identify as centrists or conservatives and profess an independence from the leadership of both major parties. The caucus is the modern development of a more informal grouping of relatively conservative Democrats in U.S. Congress ...
These coercive and abusive population control policies impacted people around the world in different ways, and continue to have social, health, and political consequences, one of which is lasting mistrust in current family planning initiatives by populations who were subjected to coercive policies like forced sterilization. [23]
Neuter is a Latin adjective meaning "neither", and can refer to: Neuter gender, a grammatical gender, a linguistic class of nouns triggering specific types of inflections in associated words; Neuter pronoun; Neutering, the sterilization of an animal