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Results From The WOW.Com Content Network is a website that offers a large collection of song lyrics, album details, and video clips for various artists. You can search by keywords, follow your favorite artists, rate and comment on lyrics, and translate pieces to almost any language.
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A song by John Lennon that encourages the listener to imagine a world at peace without borders, religion, or possessions. The lyrics are co-written by Yoko Ono and the song is the best-selling single of Lennon's solo career.
Shallow is a pop-rock ballad from the 2018 film A Star Is Born, performed by Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper. The song won several awards and topped the charts in many countries, and has a cultural impact and a music video.
Find lyrics of songs written in Spanish, showcasing the beauty and expression of the language through music. Browse by alphabet, popularity, title, or preview, and enjoy the rich and diverse representation of the language and its creative potential.
Find the lyrics of Edelweiss, a song from the musical The Sound of Music, written by Richard Rodgers and Oscar Hammerstein II. Listen to the song online, watch the video, and learn more about the songwriters and the musical.
Find the full lyrics of the song "Hallelujah" by Canadian singer-songwriter Leonard Cohen, originally released in 1984. Learn about the song's history, interpretation, and popularity through different versions and covers.
A song by British singer-songwriter Adele, released in 2015 as the lead single from her album 25. It is a piano ballad with soul influences, and lyrics that discuss themes of nostalgia and regret.
Find the lyrics of the disco hit "YMCA" by The Village People, a song about a place where young men can have fun and find help. Learn the meaning, history and alternative expressions of the chorus "It's fun to stay at the YMCA".
Find the lyrics of "If" by Bread, a soft rock ballad written by David Gates in 1971. Learn about the song's meaning, popularity, covers, and impact on pop culture.