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Every year, in addition to the main Person of the Year, Time (sometimes alongside a partner company) acknowledges impactful people or groups in other categories. This is a relatively recent practice, beginning in 1998 when Mark McGwire was awarded the title of Hero of the Year and becoming a regular event in 2018 with the re-introduction of the ...
Time has named a Person of the Year every year since 1927, from historic world leaders to cultural figures. Last year, the magazine named pop superstar Taylor Swift as its Person of the Year.
Benvolio Montague (Italian: Benvolio Montecchi) is a fictional character in William Shakespeare's tragedy Romeo and Juliet. He is Lord Montague 's nephew and Romeo 's cousin. Benvolio serves as an unsuccessful peacemaker in the play, attempting to prevent violence between the Capulet and Montague families.
Ten candidates are in the running for TIME’s 2024 Person of the Year.
Time's 2023 Person of the Year will be announced on Wednesday morning. Here are the nine finalists in the running.
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Time magazine has been granting the Person of the Year title since 1927 (though it started out as “Man of the Year” and became gender-neutral in 1999).
The father of Romeo and uncle of Benvolio. He has the same social status as Lord Capulet, with whom he is in feud, and is also extremely wealthy. Montague clearly loves his son deeply and at the beginning of the play, worries for him as he recounts to Benvolio his attempts to find out the source of his depression. He wishes Benvolio better luck.