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Another area, not on the dorsum of the brainstem, is where the special visceral efferents nuclei reside. These formed from the pharyngeal arches , in the embryo. This area is a bit below the autonomic motor nuclei , and includes the nucleus ambiguus , facial nerve nucleus, as well as the motor part of the trigeminal nerve nucleus.
The nuclei of two pairs of cranial nerves are similarly located at the ventral side of the periaqueductal grey – the pair of oculomotor nuclei (which control the eyelid, and most eye movements) is located at the level of the superior colliculus, [10] while the pair of trochlear nuclei (which helps focus vision on more proximal objects) is ...
The trochlear nucleus is located in the midbrain, at an intercollicular level between the superior colliculus and inferior colliculus. [3] As with all motor nuclei of cranial nerves, it is located near the midline (i.e. in the medial midbrain). [2] It is embedded within the medial longitudinal fasciculus.
Nuclei lying under the floor of the fourth ventricle Pons. Located in the superior orbital fissure. Innervates the lateral rectus, which abducts the eye. VII Facial: Both sensory and motor Pons (cerebellopontine angle) above olive Located in and runs through the internal acoustic canal to the facial canal and exits at the stylomastoid foramen.
Fornix and septal nuclei; Subcortical areas: Septal nuclei; Amygdala; Nucleus accumbens; Diencephalic structures: Hypothalamus; Mammillary bodies; Anterior nuclei of thalamus; Other areas that have been included in the limbic system include the: Stria medullaris; Central gray and dorsal and ventral nuclei of Gudden
The sensory trigeminal nerve nuclei are the largest of the cranial nerve nuclei, and extend through the whole of the midbrain, pons and medulla, and into the upper cervical spinal cord. The nucleus is divided into three parts, from rostral to caudal (top to bottom in humans): The mesencephalic nucleus; The principal sensory nucleus
The reticular nucleus of the thalamus, for example, is a thin layer of inhibitory neurons that surrounds the thalamus. Some of the major anatomical components of the brain are organized as clusters of interconnected nuclei. Notable among these are the thalamus and hypothalamus, each of which contains several dozen distinguishable substructures.
The nucleus of the oculomotor nerve does not consist of a continuous column of cells, but is broken up into a number of smaller nuclei, which are arranged in two groups, anterior and posterior. Those of the posterior group are six in number, five of which are symmetrical on the two sides of the middle line, while the sixth is centrally placed ...