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  2. Word Inversion? - English Forward


    The only phenomenon like this that I'm familiar with occurs in French, not English, and they reverse the order of the syllables, usually not the letters. This kind of French slang is called verlan, and words in this category are used surprisingly often in very informal French. For example, C'est ouf! is often used for the standard C'est fou!

  3. englishforward.com


    Aspara Gus: grammarfreakYou have more than one subject, therefore "are" is the correct answer. I count one subject, the coordination Joe Smith and the team, which as a whole denotes a set of two people and is therefore plural.

  4. Globalization, Essay. - English Forward


    Obviously I knew it has also some cons, but i wasn't able to name them (if you don't count the ecological problems), so I made little of it. But then, one day, I have started to attend voluntary seminar on the Faculty of Law, which made me think about globalization more deeply and complex.

  5. 1) What Does Off -The- Bell- Curve Mean? - English Forward


    10 ways improve learning english; Top 10 learn english apps 2020 guide; Learn english as a second language;

  6. Can You Correct The Sentences? I Am Sure This Is Broken English!?


    I met the manager of Southern Electrical which is a 40-year-old company in Bangalore, does specializing in providing fire-safety services for Metro rail projects.

  7. Kindergarten Homework? - English Forward


    My daughters homework says write the CVCe word of Kite, Five, Cave, and Bone. Im clueless can anyone help me please.....

  8. When To Use 'An' In Front Of An 'H' And Is 'A' Ever Appropriate?


    The only words that come to my mind right now in which initial "h" is silent are: heir, hour, honour, honest, and their derivatives.

  9. ...Not Unlike ... - English Forward


    Hi all, what does "(...) It's really not unlike kind of playing an instrument or something." "mean? Could you explain it/transform it more simply?

  10. Different Questions On A Conditional Sentence In The Past?


    My question is this: How are we supposed to know if we are to use the adverb "safely" or what looks to be the adjective "safe" as seems to have done in the above sentence. I could be wrong but I think this type of knowledge can mainly come through much repeat exposure to the use, likely in a English-speaking country. What do you about what I said?

  11. JUST TO And FOR THE SAKE? - English Forward


    Top 10 learn english apps 2020 guide; Learn english as a second language; How to study english grammar 12 ...