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  2. What Is New Jerusalem in the Bible Book of Revelation? - JW.ORG


    New Jerusalem is a biblical expression for the group of Christians who will rule with Jesus in God's Kingdom. Learn how the Bible describes New Jerusalem as a cube, a bride, and a government that brings blessings to people on earth.

  3. Jerusalem and the Temple of Solomon - JW.ORG


    Jerusalem is at an altitude of 2,500 feet (750 m) in the central mountains of Judea. The Bible refers to its “loftiness” and to worshipers as ‘going up’ to reach it. ( Ps 48:2; 122:3, 4 ) The ancient city was surrounded by valleys: the Valley of Hinnom on the west and south and the torrent valley of Kidron on the east.

  4. Jesus Enters Jerusalem as King | Life of Jesus - JW.ORG


    Jerusalem will pay the price for willful disobedience. Jesus foretells: “Your enemies will build around you a fortification of pointed stakes and will encircle you and besiege you from every side. They will dash you and your children within you to the ground, and they will not leave a stone upon a stone in you.”

  5. When Was Ancient Jerusalem Destroyed?—Part One - JW.ORG


    They have left Jerusalem in ruins.” —Psalm 79:1, God’s Word Bible. * Second, because knowing the actual year when this “ultimate catastrophe” began and understanding how the restoration of true worship in Jerusalem fulfilled a precise Bible prophecy will build your confidence in the reliability of God’s Word.

  6. The Nations Surrounding Ancient Jerusalem—Map and Time Line -...


    620: Babylon begins to dominate Jerusalem. Nebuchadnezzar makes Jerusalem’s king a vassal. 617: Babylon takes first captives from Jerusalem. Rulers, mighty warriors, and craftsmen are taken to Babylon. 607: Babylon destroys Jerusalem. The city and her temple are burned. After 607: Tyre, mainland. Nebuchadnezzar attacks Tyre for 13 years.

  7. Jerusalem and the Temple Are Destroyed | Bible Story - JW.ORG


    Jerusalem is being burned down. And the Israelites who weren’t killed are being taken as prisoners to Babylon. Remember, this is what Jehovah’s prophets warned would happen if the people didn’t change their bad ways.

  8. City of Jerusalem (David/Solomon) - JW.ORG


    ANCIENT Jerusalem was the place where Jehovah chose to put his name. It served as both the center of pure worship and the seat of government for Israel. Kings ruling from Jerusalem were said to sit ‘on Jehovah’s throne.’ —1Ch 29:23. King David wrested the stronghold of Mount Zion from the Jebusites and made it his capital.

  9. Nehemiah Rebuilds the Walls of Jerusalem | Children’s Bible...


    Then he said: ‘Please, let me go to Jerusalem to rebuild the walls.’ King Artaxerxes told Nehemiah that he could go, and the king made sure that he would be safe on his long journey. He also made Nehemiah governor of Judah and gave him wood for the city gates. When Nehemiah arrived at Jerusalem, he inspected the city walls.

  10. New Jerusalem - JW.ORG


    New Jerusalem is heavenly, not earthly, for it comes down “out of heaven from God.” So this city is not one erected by men and consisting of literal streets and buildings constructed in the Middle East on the site of the ancient city of Jerusalem, which was destroyed in 70 C.E. The members of the bride class when on earth are told that ...

  11. Jesus and His Family Travel to Jerusalem | Life of Jesus - JW.ORG


    It is springtime. Thus, it is the time for Joseph’s family, along with friends and relatives, to make their yearly trip to Jerusalem. They go there to celebrate the Passover, as the Law directs. (Deuteronomy 16:16) From Nazareth down to Jerusalem is a trip of about 75 miles (120 km). It is a busy and exciting time for all.