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Meaning "To Rome and the World". A standard opening of Roman proclamations. Also a traditional blessing by the pope. urbs in horto: city in a garden: Motto of the City of Chicago. usque ad finem: to the very end: Often used in reference to battle, implying a willingness to keep fighting until you die. usus est magister optimus: practice is the ...
ad astra: to the stars: A common name or motto, in whole or part, among many publications ad astra per aspera: to the stars through difficulties: i.e., "a rough road leads to the stars", as on the Launch Complex 34 memorial plaque for the astronauts of Apollo 1. Used as a motto by the State of Kansas and other organisations ad augusta per angusta
sub finem: toward the end: Used in citations to refer to the end of a book, page, etc., and abbreviated 's.f.' Used after the page number or title. E.g., 'p. 20 s.f. ' sub Iove frigido: under cold Jupiter: At night; from Horace's Odes 1.1:25: sub judice: under a judge: Said of a case that cannot be publicly discussed until it is finished. Also ...
a mari usque ad mare: from sea to sea: From Psalm 72:8, "Et dominabitur a mari usque ad mare, et a flumine usque ad terminos terrae" (KJV: "He shall have dominion also from sea to sea, and from the river unto the ends of the earth"). National motto of Canada. amat victoria curam: victory favours care: Motto of several schools amicus certus in ...
What does the Latin term "Semper Fidelis" mean? Answer: Always faithful. ... "Be all you can be" was the ad slogan for which branch of the U.S. armed forces? Answer: Army.
respice finem: look back at the end: i.e., "have regard for the end" or "consider the end"; part of the dactylic hexameter quidquid agis prudenter agas et respice finem (whatever you do, do it wisely and consider the end) from Gesta Romanorum. Generally a memento mori, a warning to remember one's death.
Employees at multiple federal agencies were ordered to remove pronouns from their email signatures by Friday afternoon, according to internal memos obtained by ABC News that cited two executive ...
Companies are racing against the clock this week to notify antitrust agencies about pending deals before a new, more stringent merger filing rule passed during President Joe Biden's administration ...